Friday, August 17, 2007

The Last Few Days [or, how I have been avoiding my Gold Award]

Well, basically, time is flying.
I'll keep it short and basic - I AM, after all, supposed to be working on my Gold Award. What can I say? I am a procrastinator. I admit it. But at this point, the procrastinator in me is saying WHAT?! ONLY 10 MORE DAYS?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So I guess it's time to get to work.

I went down to NJ to visit Sara and her family; we had a blast! I'll put up some pictures later. Overall, it was a very good time.

I came back up on Wednesday, just in time for a Treble Choir rehearsal - and to discover what the epic stench in the Cat Room was all about: this little beauty somehow managed to die under Luna's crate.

Absolutely Disgusting.

Anyway, then I had a Brass 5 rehearsal, and then I came home and pretty much passed out. I found out that I have lyme, and that's why I've been SO bone-achingly tired lately. Luckily it's still curable.

Yesterday, we had KP's GA concert. It was getting a little crazy because things had been left to the last minute and people kept turning to me, and well, basically I was getting a little worked up. Sara told me to go play my trumpet, which I did. It was very helpful : ).
Then I went to the concert, where I received my newest baby from Louise. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's pretty much my favorite. It's absolutely gorgeous. Just look at it. How could anyone say otherwise?

At the concert, I hung out with different people, but I ended up with my head on Kenny's shoulder in the end. It was sweet. I actually miss him a lot. I don't miss him being a jerk, and I don't miss him ignoring me, but I do miss him being really sweet to me.

And then, I said goodbye to Kristen. I'm not going to see her before she goes to school!! I can hardly believe it. Everybody's leaving. I saw Brittany and Brian at the concert, and I'm probably never going to see either of them again - or at least not for a long time. I'm so glad that Brittany isn't anorexic.

And I guess I'm going to end here, because I'm depressing myself. More later.
<3 nam