Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ahh, a return

Well, summer is over in the blink of an internet eye. Maybe a literary eye? Maybe it was just your eye, haha!

I suppose it isn't quite over yet - I have another week and a half until classes start, but that week is scheduled left and right and almost entirely accounted for. It's nice to be on campus before everything starts though, and it's really nice to have my floor (and the bathroom) to myself... and! It's so nice to have my room to myself! Not that that will change, as I have a single (huzzah!) this year. It's kind of weird not having a roommate though, and I miss mine. I'm thinking of getting a fish so that I can have something to talk to that might at least look like it's interested :P.

I had a really excellent summer - it started out on a trip to NYC for a friend from high school's birthday (a trip that I was very skeptical of that turned out to be really fun), and it ended with a canoe camping trip that was probably one of the best experiences I've ever had. In between there were thunderstorms, concerts, concerts IN thunderstorms, research at Wellesley, hangings-out with friends, loves, families, dogs, and cats. There were shows, trumpet lessons, trips to brass heaven, picnics, and even a party or two. There was also my birthday - this is officially my 20th year outside of the womb on planet Earth. How weird is that? - and lots of paint. My mom got rid of a bunch of stuff that I wanted to get rid of but was incapable of throwing away and turned a storage area into an incredible mini library/office supply/place I might actually spend some time in. There was a family trip to Vermont, the exploration of a chasm, and more than one awesome badminton game. There was a lot more, too, but I've suddenly become very tired and think I will end this soon.

Right now I'm up at Wellesley training to be an FYM, or, in layman's terms, First Year Mentor. My job is basically to ease the transition for and answer all of the questions of my group of first years, while also making sure they stay calm and healthy. Oh, I'm also supposed to introduce them to other people, haha. We're halfway through training now, and I feel about halfway confident.

Okay, more updates later.

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