Saturday, January 2, 2010

I had such good intentions

I know it's be a while, but here I am again! Sleepless. I really meant to go to sleep so long ago; I'm not sure what happened. Now is not really the time for a catch-up on my semester, so I won't try. I do, however, have another poem for you - I don't think it's quite done yet, but one of my new years resolutions was to put my poetry someplace that I couldn't lose it, and so here we are.

Me, myself
one skin, brown. seamless.
look closer: blue veins, white scars, pink palms, wrinkles, calluses, marks, stories.
beneath: bones.
hard, strong, straight. Mine. Wrapped in muscle, fed with blood -ironwateroxygen- that is pumped by a muscle that names two parts of me,
one tangible,
one not.
A never-ceasing force of life [ideas] that feed my brain [knowledge] and my feet [passion], from my heart.
a streaming dancing twirl of blue and red defying gravity.
a swirling dance of light and joy and life,

I liked the other one about bones better - I was actually going for a more personally descriptive piece here, and I guess I got around to it a bit, but I got excited about thinking about what's beneath my skin and how cool it is that I can move myself because of all of these different parts. I mean, maybe I'm just overly tired, but isn't it so incredible that we have bones and muscles and blood underneath our skins that are actually part of who we are? Isn't it weird to think about the fact that rather than live in the ocean, we carry the ocean inside of us?

Anyway, just some thoughts I've been having. Maybe I'll try to go to sleep again.
-Oh! I'm going to New Zealand in a few weeks, and I'll be keeping a blog while I'm there - but I think I'll make a new one in a new place, and keep this one somewhat personal.

That's all for now, happy new year!

Also, I really can't figure out why there is so much extra on the bottom. Weird.

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