Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I can see!!!

My new glasses came in the mail today (I had them mailed to me, otherwise I would have had to wait until after thanksgiving to get them, and that seemed a little crazy - mostly because they were ready and I wanted to be able to seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) and they are SO CLEAR! It's amazing. Something happened to the special scratch-resistant coating on my last pair, and the coating was starting to ... selectively dissolve? I don't know what exactly, but it was making spots on my lenses, which is probably similar to having cataracts on your eyes (am I being melodramatic? Probably :P)
Here they are:

As you can see, they're pretty different from my last pair, in more ways than one! I love my old frames; I love that they're serious on the outside and have polka dots on the inside - but they're plastic and apparently the plastic they use for this type of frame 'dries out', so if anyone tried to take out the lenses and put in new ones, they might snap. Bah! I went through a lot of frames searching for an adequate replacement pair, which is in and of itself rather amusing. I mean, It's always taken me a while to pick out new frames, but when I was younger it was a really exciting process. This time, I was actually sad that I couldn't keep my old frames.
Anyway, these are the other frames I looked at:

So many varieties! But I ended up with the copper ones from the first picture. They're interesting and different, and I rather like them :P.
MOSTLY I'm just super super super excited about how clear the world is :D and I thought I would share. It's been a rather strange day, all things said, and the fact that my glasses came today has sort of accentuated that because I have to get used to the new prescription, so things look a little strange (Actually, nothing looks strange, it just takes a (noticeable) split-second for my eyes to focus.) Waking up this morning was weird, although I couldn't tell you why. I stayed up late doing italian homework last night, so that probably had something to do with it - and then we had a review in astro for our Friday midterm, and then I was riding my bike back to my dorm when I saw a few people standing around a girl who was sitting on the ground holding her arm next to her bike. In light of my unfortunate experience yesterday, I thought that maybe my first-aid kit would come in handy, but, good lord, she'd broken her arm and the bone had come through the skin. I didn't actually see the bone, buh her arm was bleeding rather heavily through her sleeve, and I'm pretty sure there are a select number of reasons for that - the number one being bones through skin. bleeeehhhhhhh. The girl who got there first was helping her hold her arm up, and we talked to the girl (Savannah) until campus po and the paramedics arrived.
And then, after that, I don't know. I've felt kind of light-headed since, which is dumb because it isn't like anything happened to me, and I don't get queasy at the sight of blood, but the thought of her bone sticking through her arm O.o. And also the ridiculous frailty of people. It worries me.
Take care of yourselves guys, ok?

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