Sunday, July 22, 2007

Photos from WCSU Band Camp

Wow, another blog post so soon after the last?! Quell surprise! These are some photos from band camp (as the title of this particular post informs you so succinctly) that I thought you might enjoy... I hope you do! Especially because I do!

This first photo is (or should be, if I can figure out how to get the images to upload correctly without destroying each other...) the infamous Scott Crawford! Yes, he is wearing a pirate hat. And let me tell you - that was all me. Yup. Isn't he really cute? I'm sorry that the photo is a little blurry... I was too shy to try again, even though I KNOW he was watching me, upon occasion...

This picture, and the one to the right, are a testament to my absolute brilliance! No, your eyes are not fooling you. I did indeed make a model of Stonehenge out of tater-tots. What do you think?

The camp loved it!! It got put into the slide-show, and everyone cheered when it came up :D (what they saw was a picture similar to the one on the right, except taken from a lower angle, so that my face was just above the 'Tater-henge".

Next, we have my friend Dan, who hung around with Brendan and me for pretty much the entire week. I think I said "How do you play with a mustache?!" I think that I ask lots of people that question. I still don't get it.

What can I say? haha
Anyway, Dan is a year younger than me, although he's going into the same grade as Brendan. It was so nice to have someone to talk to other than Brendan. Not that Brendan isn't absolutely my favorite (Brendan you're absolutely my favorite... in fact, I just told Kristen that), but he did admit to trying to annoy me as much as possible. SIGH.

So, I took that picture when we were all eating, obviously... I have one of Chucky/Lotsof. People and one of Brendan, too, but I figure you don't really need to see that. Plus Brendan doesn't react well to having his picture taken, let alone posted on the internet...

This one time, Brendan and Dan wore the same shirt, and it was really cute. I took a picture.

And finally, we have the boys - from left to right: Dan, Dan, Eric. That guy on the right is some unknown counselor... just ignore him. Instruments from left to right: trumpet, percussion, trumpet. Oh, those trumpet boys. I have rarely met one that I didn't like.

Except, actually, there was this little 11 year old at band camp who wasn't going to listen to me because I'm a 'Female trumpet player', and I (unfortunately) got so mad that I told him to sit himself down, and when he felt like being mature, Then and Only Then could he play with us.
Hey, it worked.
I decided to post this of Chucky/Lotsof. People anyway, so that you can see that I was not being a creepy stalker-ish person. I just wanted photos of people eating! ; )

So, that's basically it for pictures, I think... There are tons of stories - hey, it's band camp! Of course there are! But honestly, I can't remember all of them, and honestly, you probably don't want to read about them. Not to mention I'm pretty sure that as of right now (the posting of this second post) I am the only one that knows about this - which is really, too too bad, but ah well - you can't have everything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.