Monday, September 15, 2008

Tea and Music

are some of the most calming things ever - although I guess I would have to include kayaking (and badminton!!) in that list. I was sitting here making a list of the things that I need to get done before my astro lab (which is in about 3 hours), and, well, there's a lot of stuff that needs to happen. Looking at it all, I found myself sinking into that unfortunate pool of anxiety in which I find myself completely unable to work efficiently- but I put on some music, told iTunes to shuffle, and lo and behold, for once iTunes played just what I needed to hear! First a wind ensemble piece, and now it's playing Western One Step, which is another good piece. Lots of brass and general happiness : ). Oh! Now it's playing the English Folk Song Suite! How excellent is this?
Anyway, I felt compelled to write a short blog because I often find myself mulling over odder things on this blog... I guess because I don't usually need to think things out when I'm happy - you know? (oooo that lovely trumpet line is playing!) So today has been good. Full of things to do, but still really good. I had class from 8:30-4, which is a little rough, but the 5 hour chunk had a nice break in the middle (I took a nap on the science center lawn... and got a farmer's tan. yikes) and it's my structural geology class, which is really cool - so it's good. Then I took advantage of the recreational boating hours and took out a kayak - just me and the boat floating serenely in the middle of the lake, which I find to be incredibly peaceful... (also the vain part of me made sure I rolled up my sleeves...). Then I went to see Karel, who is wonderful, and then I came here to make my list of things to do... things which I should probably start now.

So, nothing terribly exciting in this post; just a recollection of the day instead : ).

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