Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Do you ever...

look and the mirror and go 'Oh! That's me!'? I don't mean look at a mirror and not recognize yourself for a moment (that's a potentially terrifying experience) - I mean look at yourself in the mirror and actually really mentally connect with your reflection.
I know it probably sounds really weird, but every once in a while I'll do that. Just today, in fact (which is why I'm bringing it up here), I looked in the mirror and thought that to myself. I guess it was one of those brief moments when you realize that your face has changed in some way. I think that people usually experience this right after they get a new haircut, but this, for me, today, was different.
Let me try to be coherent.

I guess the thing is that generally speaking, I don't think of myself as 'attractive'. I don't mean that to sound like I think that I'm 'UNattractive'; please don't try to reassure me - that will embarrass everyone, myself included - I just don't go around thinking that I'm the most beautiful thing walking down the street and that everyone should look at me. In fact, I don't often think about what I look like (beyond whether or not the colors I'm wearing should really be worn together), and especially not in relation to what other people think when they see me. But when I glanced at myself in the mirror today, I had this weird epiphany: my features are nice. I like them (lucky me, right!). It was more than that though - my face has changed a little bit since the last time I really looked at myself. My cheekbones are more defined, my eyes look a little bigger (I confess, I wore contacts today), and well, I just looked different. But nice.

Sometimes I write blogs and I think that I should just delete them. Who's going to read this and think it makes any sense, besides me? Speaking of people reading this, I've been pondering placing a link to it in a more public place. The thing is that I don't really know how much I want people to read it. On the other hand... why have a blog if you don't want people to read it? But on the other other hand (I'm three-handed, didn't you know?) putting it somewhere public is like putting your diary on a coffee table, whereas leaving it here is relatively unexplored cyberspace is like... like... giving your friends a bookcase of books with your diary on a shelf, and if they really want to know about you, maybe they'll look for it? That's a rather weak analogy.

Anyway, the real point of this here post was to inquire: do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and go 'Oh! That's me! Neat!' - or am I just crazy? Do you ever wonder what people think when they see your face? Obviously it's a bit like colors: Some people absolutely ADORE puce, and others detest it. Some arrangements of facial features are pleasing to some, while perhaps not-so-pleasing to others. I just want to know what people think when they see my face. Do they associate the face with the mind? Or are they two separate entities?
I imagine this would be something that is more of an issue for general relationships that transpire mostly over instant messenger (definitely more so than the telephone!).

And on the waaay other hand (oops, am I up to four now?) do I really want to know? Chances are, probably not. I'll keep to my pondering.

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