Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friends are Fun!

So, I was going to post this long comment on Heather's blog, and then I realized that um, I have my OWN blog for this sort of thing.

Yesterday, Pat and Mick came to visit! We had a great time, just hanging out playing Mario Party on the Wii, and ending with some Rock Band. It was really nice to see both of them, although Luna was really not thrilled to see Mick. She was more scared than I've ever seen her, hiding under the table and whining. It was so weird! And really sad. My poor bean, scared of a big bearded guy. She's so adorable, never growling at ANYONE (I heard her growl probably twice in her sleep... I wonder what she dreamt of that made her do it?) and she's never ever bit anyone. She nibbles though! haha
Anyway, I digress!
Last night mom and I went out to have dinner with SBP, Celina, their mom, Celina's friend Emily, Celina's friend Emily's mom, and Elsa. It was a lot fun :D and we tried to go bowling after, but the bowling ally was completely full! (who wudda thunk it?) So, mom and I went home and we watched Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, which was, obviously, Excellent.
Then, today, we took a bunch of collected recyclables to the recycling station for the music boosters, and a bunch of the band members came after with cans and bottles they collected today, so I got to see some of my trumpet boys :D. Man, I miss that kind of camaraderie, and them.
After that, we went to Costco, and lo and behold, we ran into Andrew Francis and his dad! Yesterday or the day before I asked my dad if he had heard from then recently... Mr Francis is so nice, and it was just really cool to see them. Andrew, a guy who gave me the middle finger in first grade or kindergarten (hahaha) but who I got to be friends with later.
Overall, it's been a nice couple of days : )
We might go see Cloverfield tonight... we shall see!

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