Saturday, January 19, 2008

How Odd

I just googled 'runemahogany' and a ton of things came up that I thought were totally secret. How weird.
Nothing I'm ashamed of, but still. I guess I should use different screennames, huh? haha
I just worry that I'll forget them or something though...

So I know that this is my third post today, but I just want to say that I love my pseudobrother. I went all philosophical and slightly crazed on him, and he was all 'it's cool, don't worry, be happy,' and he calmed me down. Good stuff.

It's just... I'm terrified by my own mortality. Scared witless at the knowledge of everyone else's mortality. It's like, what the heck are you supposed to do with 80 years? I mean, yeah, you can do a lot, but if you've only got so much time, then why are there such set, stupid, pointless things that we "have" to do?

And then you look at the people who try to prevent the happiness of others, people who don't care about the future, people who don't care about each other, and all I can say is 'why?'

Everyone should see Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Be excellent to each other.

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