Thursday, January 3, 2008


After probably a good year of preparation and 5(?) months of work, IT'S DONE.
This baby is ALL MINE:
How beautiful. hahahaha
Can I just tell you how I despised the thing? Absolutely hated it. All the work, all the stress... here is a brief history of my gold award:

My project was to make a book of labs for kids in low level science classes who are simply not interested in science. Granted, there are some kids who just can't do science, but that doesn't mean they can't be interested! Why shouldn't there be labs written to garner their interest? WHY I ask you! I was teacher's aid in a low level science class for a good part of my junior year, and when they were boiling water, even I was bored - but when they got to play with acid, gee whiz did that ever spark their interest! So... after much deliberation, that was what I decided I would do for my project.

Guess what my adviser said when I told her. Nope, you're wrong, sorry.
Lenore: "Oh, well, um... I'm not much of a science person."
Hello? Did you not read my proposal? Why didn't I get a "science person" as my adviser? Anyway, she got over it.

I spent much of the summer doing research and struggling to write labs that would be both informative and interesting without being preachy, all the while suffering under the heavy hand of lyme disease. How was I supposed to know?! The one time that I "had" lyme, it turned out I had been twisting a bottle cap unconsciously on my leg, creating the bulls eye... whoops.

Anyway, 2 months of bone crushing exhaustion and not a heck of a lot of enthusiasm later, I was diagnosed and medicated. 2 weeks later, I arrived at Wellesley, still sick, still medicated, and still half-heartedly working. I went home nearly every weekend in September to work, to experiment, and to reassure my mom (she's my leader too) that I was still going to do it (the thing was due the 1st of October), and in mid September, I ran the labs with a group of friends still in high school.

What do you know... they liked them! Of course everyone's favorite was the 'Why do Volcanoes Erupt?" lab... surprise surprise, haha

Anyway, last night I had my final review. This is a panel of women from the Girl Scout CT Council who sit in a circle with you right in front and ask you questions about your motives, your methods, and results. Essentially. For some reason, I do pretty well at interviews though, and even though I was expecting them to give me a hard time (girl scouting is all about service rather than leadership, and someone once told me that my project wasn't going to go over well because I wouldn't be running it in a classroom), they laughed at my jokes, patted me on the back, took my picture, and signed my certificate.

Those are gold sparkles.
Get it? hahahaha

87+ hours of stress later, I am part of the 5% of Girl Scouts who go for the gold. How weird is that?

Also... sorry about the forgotten hilarity. I can't remember what I was going to write about... I just remember that it was funny. Too bad for you. Tee Hee!

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